Tracy flick
Tracy flick

tracy flick

They think they can just all of a sudden one day out of the blue waltz right in with no qualifications whatsoever and try to take away what other people have worked very, very hard for their entire lives. Scene shows Tracy on the school bus, looking out the window at Paul standing by his pickup truck joking with some friends No, they don't ever have to work for anything. Not like some rich kids who everybody likes because their fathers owns Metzler's Cement and give them trucks on their 16th birthday and throw them big parties all the time. I had to work a little harder, that's all, see I believe in the voters they understand that elections aren't just popularity contests, they know this country was built by people just like me who work very hard and don't have everything handed to them on a silver spoon. He was no competition for me it was like apples and oranges. as narrator You might think it upset me that Paul Metzler had decided to run against me but nothing could be further from the truth.It's like my mom says, "The weak are always trying to sabotage the strong.".And if you try to interfere, the same thing's going to happen anyway, and you'll just suffer. You see, you can't interfere with destiny. He should have just accepted things as they are instead of trying to interfere with destiny.

tracy flick

McAllister hadn't meddled the way he did.

  • None of this would have happened if Mr.
  • I mean, where is she really trying to get to anyway? What is she doing in that limo? Who the fuck does she think she is?! I mean, when I think about my new life and all the exciting things I'm doing, and then I think about what her life must be like-probably still getting up at five in the morning to pursue her pathetic little dreams-it just makes me sad.

    tracy flick

    And I suddenly realized I wasn't angry at her anymore. My first impulse was to run over there, pound on her window, and demand that she admit she tore down those posters and lied and cheated her way into winning that election. But in that moment, all the bad memories, all the things I'd ever wanted to say to her, it all came flooding back. After an inspiring morning on the mall, I was on my way to the Holocaust Museum when. I was down in Washington for a museum educator's conference, and I stayed an extra day to do some sightseeing. You might ask if I ever saw Tracy Flick again.That is for people with past experience in education who cater to field trips, showing students the meaning of the exhibit. Now I am one of them.I got a job at the Museum of Natural History as an educator. how can he survive? Where can he go? scene changes to immigrants getting off a ship at Ellis Island New York City! For centuries people have come to New York seeking refuge from their troubled lives.

    tracy flick

    everything he believes in? Driven from his home. narrating while a scene shows primitive people in a museum setting What happens to a man when he loses everything? Everything he's worked for.Can I get an A? Can I get a recommendation? Can I? Can I? Fuck them. Who knew how high she would climb in life? How many people would suffer because of her? I had to stop her. Part of it was that she was spying but mostly it was her face. The sight of Tracy at that moment affected me in a way I can't fully explain.I know, because I waited 10 hours outside her house.

    Tracy flick